With our latest addition to the family, we've discovered a whole new world in the form of animal accessories. There are tons to choose from and there is an array of dog accessories to shop from everywhere ranging from women's boutiques to discount stores all over the world. I'm a bit of a discerning shopper even when it comes to our four-legged little brother. Too many options first of all. He is also tiny so then there's that, too. Then I found FOUND. This brand immediately spoke to me when I found them at The Flock in the Tannery. Found My Animal is a premium dog accessories brand out of Brooklyn, New York featuring handcrafted designs that are sturdy and can be uniquely worn. There are leashes, collars, and leads that are made from hand-spliced rope using marine-grade leathers, materials and metals. The range comes in an array of colors for collars, leads and leashes with varying thicknesses and sizes to accommodate dogs from tiny to huge. The brand encourages owners to rescue dogs in need and their in-depth site even offers up current listings for available dogs.
We get a lot of cotimpliments on our very smart looking collar and I spread the word about the brand. Especially since they offer International Shipping which is a big bonus in my book. Check out the site here and shop their entire range.
They sent over these photos to share with you below so have a preview and then pamper your pooch with a bit of eco-luxury.