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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Goodies From The Oscars 2014

Oscar's winners.
We love the Oscars and all of the glamour that Awards Season brings but let's look behind the scenes and into those goody bags that are offered up to every nominee of the evening. That's right. Each nominee gets a gift worth a staggering $85,000 per bag, and we think that this may be the best honor of the evening. So...every nominee is sort of a winner-yay! Not really. 

Click here for a complete list of winners.

This year's Oscar goodies.
But what exactly was in the bag of goodies for the Oscars 2014? Distinctive Assets was behind this year's picks and a company spokesperson said they were overwhelmed with companies seeking inclusion in this year's bags. There is something for everyone and it's rumored that a majority of the goodies make it into the hands of celebrity assistants, publicists, and the like. Gifts ranging in price from a few dollars to thousands all recipients should consider themselves lucky. Here is a slideshow of all the Oscar goodies but we have a few highlights of our own. A $2,500 home spa experience, $1,600 worth of premium dog goods, a trip to Hawaii and a huge pet shelter donation from host Ellen DeGeneres are all included. Plus check out a few others below. Enjoy!
$120 for Pink and Camo Pepper Guns

$35 pack of herbal tea based Dosha Pops
$9,000 trip to Las Vegas

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