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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Two Projects in Pics

Toilet Paper Rolls. They were the catalyst for our art projects below. Our first choice is a festive one that we did for St. Patrick's Day so bookmark this page for next year. 
The uses of tissue rolls are endless and are one of the most common trash items in the landfills. Why not get creative with giving back to Mother Earth while reducing, reusing and recycling? They are easily recyclable and most children's care centres, art establishments and the like will happily take a donation. Donate later. For now art...

Project # 1
Four Leaf Clovers

Project #2 
Randimal Rolls
Our artist here created three random animals out of scraps, bits and glue. No extra purchases necessary to create any animal of your choice. A Sharpie always helps.

How gorgeous are these? This will inspire kids with ideas of how creative they can be with their own animal.