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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Real Luxury Shopping: Most Expensive Nail Polish

As a writer my job requires me to constantly research some topic or another. Shopping is always one of them and in a recent search, I came across something very interesting. Now  I always try to keep it very real and fresh so I decided to step outside the box to let you know how the other (richer) half lives. I don't know how lucky any of you are in your own real lives but here is something strictly for the top 1%. It is the world's most expensive nail polish offered at a whopping $250,000 per bottle. Yes. Per bottle. The company is Azature and they are the self-proclaimed "king of the black diamond" and this title is very well deserved as each bottle contains over 267 of the luxury jewels. Very fancy and the top shoppers can rest assured that the finish is 100% real glimmering bling. 

$250K is way out of my budget but there is a scaled down version of the luxury polish available at Fred Segal for an extremely more modest $25. That's a bit easier on the pocket and will feature a single a feature black diamond in each bottle. How fabulous is all that?